We are always looking for passionate and enthusiastic scientists to join the group. Please contact Beatrice directly if you are interested in joining the team. Further details can be found below.
PhD Students
There is a funded 3.5 year studentship available for September 2025. For more information see phd-molecular-level-motion.pdf (bristol.ac.uk) or PhD Studentship in Synthetic Chemistry: Controlled Molecular-Level Motion at University of Bristol on FindAPhD.com. For general information about postgraduate study at the University of Bristol please see: http://www.bris.ac.uk/chemistry/courses/postgraduate/​
We are also involved in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Technology Enhanced Synthesis hosted by the University of Bristol. More details about the centre can be found here: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/chemistry/synthesis-cdt/
Undergraduate and Summer Students
Undergraduate Project Students
We are always delighted to host enthusiastic final year project students. Please get in touch with Beatrice if you have any questions about the group and what sort of research projects are available.
Visiting Students
Opportunities may be available for summer students and short term research stays in the group. Please get in touch with Beatrice at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss possible avenues for securing funding.